A new proper demo is in the works after this!

Hello everyone! I got some special news on an update!

That's right, a proper demo for the game will be in the works starting next week, and I will try to aim towards a full completion as I can!

The planned demo will have a different storyline unlike this prototype version. Characters will still be the same, and there will be new locations instead of the simple colored areas like in the prototype. Other than that, new artworks and sprite sheet too. Aside from that, the music will be made by me (despite being tone deaf), though I will still try to find as much help as I can later on. For now I will try and push through to what I can before I slowed down from fatigue.

I am also planning in a different spell-magic system too, including "levelling-up" and "TP skills". (Don't worry I'll try to make it as balanced as I can) Also, I'm thinking of dividing the full story into two episodes but we'll see about that first.

So yeah! That's all the things I've set planned for the next demo/full release! Thank you for sticking with me and this prototype! I really appreciate it all!

~Leonikki Johni

Get Life-Limiter [MGGJ3 Prototype]

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